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Grants Overview

2021 Fall Grant Cycle Important Dates
Application Cycle Opens: October 1, 2021
Deadline to Apply: December 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM

Grants Overview


  • Submit your LOI email and grant as early as possible; this will allow time to review and make necessary revisions to any missing information or errors.

  • An invitation to apply doesn’t guarantee DEF approval, and 9-R review does not guarantee DEF approval.

  • For Organizations Outside of School District 9-R: Organization must be a 501(c)3 non-profit. Grant must impact 9-R classrooms. Use of a 9-R facility or incorporation into a 9-R program will require the building supervisor’s permission; please document permission(s) in your grant. Note: technology and materials purchased within this grant become the property of Durango School District 9-R; exceptions can be made by DEF. 

  • 9-R Employees:  Inform and discuss your application with your Principals and/or Department Heads to ensure your item will not be funded through district funding.

  • Technology Requests: Applicants must inquire with 9-R Technology Department to ensure item(s) meet standard lists and infrastructure requirements (i.e. connectivity, Wi-Fi, installation). 

  • Prepare your budget: Contact the 9-R Finance Department to verify the necessary information (i.e. W-9) for your intended vendor(s) is on file with 9-R.  

  • At its discretion, DEF may require additional verification of the ability and qualifications of the grant applicant(s) to implement the proposed program.

  • Grants must be fully implemented within one year of award. Exceptions must have DEF approval.

  • Changes in the use of funds must be pre-approved by DEF.

  • A Post-Grant Evaluation is required for all awarded grants within 6 months of grant implementation.  An evaluation must be submitted before grantee can be considered for subsequent grants. 

  • The recipient will acknowledge DEF support and will allow the use of program materials and photographs for DEF publicity. Recipient must obtain student and parent/guardian (for minors) permissions prior to submitting photographs to DEF.

  • DEF loves to see grants in action.  Please contact DEF to schedule a school visit after awarded grants have been implemented. DEF can help take photographs and document your efforts for your post-grant evaluation.

Contact Information

For questions, concerns and more information: 

Wendy Allsbrook Javier, DEF Executive Director

Phone: (970) 769-7600


Durango Education Foundation

281 Sawyer Drive, Suite 100

Durango, CO 81303

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